Burt's bees: Beeswax Lip Balm
The snow has fallen, the temperature is dropping and it's already December. Winter has truly arrived. Cold temperatures can be surprisingly drying on your skin and anyone living in such climate knows the struggle. Winter eczema is a very real thing, especially here in Norway.
My lips and hands tend to suffer the most during these winter months. However, dry hands can easily be prevented with gloves. Lips on the other hand can't be covered with layers of fabrics, so a different solution is required. To prevent them from chapping I use the obvious: lip balm.
For years I used lipstick as balm, but my makeup use has declined over the years. It was time for a new, plastic-free lip balm. I landed on Burt's Bees' Beeswax Lip Balm for two reasons: one, beeswax feels less moist, something I prefer. Two, I did my Christmas shopping on Ecco-Verde and decided to throw in a lip balm. Burt's Bees' balm was the only beeswax balm available in plastic-free packaging.
So, what can I say about this lip balm? I really like the solid consistency. I despise that overly moist and sticky feeling that other types of lip balms give. This balm is not sticky, nor too moist. One thing did surprise though. I feel like the intense peppermint scent should have been mentioned on the lid. Peppermint oil was listed in the ingredients, but there's no way I could have predicted the intensity of it. It is so strong that it tingles on my lips, which is okay for me, but maybe not everyone else. Beside from that I find this balm effective and I'm pretty satisfied.